Monday, December 18, 2017

"Beyond Reasonable Doubt" part 8 (HS) - 12.06.17

High School Message
Delving deeper into Darwinian Evolution this week, we discussed with our high schoolers the claims of and problems with the concept of a common ancestry for all life on earth.

>>click here to listen of right-click to download<<

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

"Beyond Reasonable Doubt" part 8 (MS) - 11.29.17

Middle School Message
Delving deeper into Darwinian Evolution this week, we discussed with our middle schoolers the claims of and problems with the concept of a common ancestry for all life on earth.

>>click here to listen of right-click to download<<

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

"Beyond Reasonable Doubt" part 7 (HS) - 11.15.17

High School Message
This is the message brought to Northwood's middle school students on November 8, 2017.  We began looking at Darwinian Evolution - specifically it's implications and claims for the origin of life... and its lack of support for any claims.

>>click here to listen of right-click to download<<

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

"Beyond Reasonable Doubt" part 7 (MS) - 11.8.17

Middle School Message
This is the message brought to Northwood's middle school students on November 8, 2017.  We began looking at Darwinian Evolution - specifically it's implications and claims for the origin of life... and its lack of support for any claims.

>>click here to listen of right-click to download<<

Monday, November 6, 2017

"Beyond Reasonable Doubt" part 6 - 11.1.17

Middle & High School Message
This is the message brought to Northwood's middle & high school students on November 1, 2017.  We looked a bit more at the order inherent in the universe.  That led us to discuss the vast amount of information that exists in the form of DNA and how information cannot come from non-information.  The evidence is mounting!

>>click here to listen of right-click to download<<

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

"Beyond Reasonable Doubt" part 5 - 10.25.17

Middle & High School Message
This is the message brought to Northwood's middle & high school students on October 25, 2017.  We looked at the order inherent in the universe and how that vast and intricate order couldn't have been achieved by chance out of chaos but instead is further evidence that points to an intelligence beyond our universe of matter, space and time.

>>click here to listen of right-click to download<<

Monday, October 16, 2017

"Beyond Reasonable Doubt" part 4 - 10.11.17

Middle & High School Message
This is the message brought to Northwood's middle & high school students on October 11, 2017.  We further taught about how one faces the evidence is a heart issue and discussed the Teleological and Moral arguments for the existence of God.

>>click here to listen of right-click to download<<

Monday, October 9, 2017

"Beyond Reasonable Doubt" part 3 - 10.04.17

Middle & High School Message
This is the message brought to Northwood's middle & high school students on October 4, 2017.  We further taught about how one faces the evidence is a heart issue and introduced the Cosmological argument in light of such evidence for the universe having a beginning.

>>click here to listen of right-click to download<<

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

"Beyond Reasonable Doubt" part 2 - 09.27.17

Middle & High School Message
This is the message brought to Northwood's middle & high school students on September 27, 2017.  Continuing our study of "reasonable faith", we discussed some of the questions raised last week and how the issue at hand is one of the heart even more than the evidence.

>>click here to listen of right-click to download<<

Monday, September 25, 2017

"Beyond Reasonable Doubt" (intro) - 09.20.17

Middle & High School Message
This is the message brought to Northwood's middle & high school students on September 20, 2017.  We adjusted our study of Genuine Faith to begin exploring why ours is a reasonable faith and not a blind leap.

>>click here to listen of right-click to download<<

Friday, September 22, 2017

"Genuine Faith Part 5: Living in Hope & Trust (HS)" - 09.06.17

High School Message
This is the message brought to Northwood's middle school students on August 30, 2017.  We discussed the Biblical understanding of faith vs. a blind "leap" or ignorant faith.  We need to trust God's promises not vague hopes of what we want to happen.

>>click here to listen of right-click to download<<

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

"Genuine Faith Part 5: Living in Hope & Trust (MS)" - 08.30.17

Middle School Message
This is the message brought to Northwood's middle school students on August 30, 2017.  We discussed the Biblical understanding of faith vs. a blind "leap" or ignorant faith.  We need to trust God's promises not vague hopes of what we want to happen.

*I accidentally mislabelled a few verses in my notes AND the Keynote slide show, so there's a bit of organizational embarrassment in the middle here somewhere.  ;)

>>click here to listen of right-click to download<<

"Genuine Faith Part 4: Foundation Building (HS)" - 08.23.17

High School Message
This is the message brought to Northwood's high school students on August 23, 2017.  We took another look at how some who claim to have faith in Christ may have a misguided, fragile one.  The goal is shoring up their genuine faith.

>>click here to listen of right-click to download<<

Monday, August 21, 2017

"Genuine Faith Part 4: Foundation Building (MS)" - 08.16.17

Middle School Message
This is the message brought to Northwood's middle school students on August 16, 2017.  We took another look at how some who claim to have faith in Christ may have a misguided, fragile one.  The goal is shoring up their genuine faith.

"Genuine Faith Part 3: Saving Faith (MS)" - 08.2.17

Middle School Message
This is the message brought to Northwood's middle school students on August 2, 2017.  We examined the components of "saving faith" and evaluated our own.

>>click here to listen of right-click to download<<

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

"Genuine Faith Part 3: Saving Faith (HS)" - 07.26.17

High School Message
This is the message brought to Northwood's high school students on July 26, 2017.  We examined the components of "saving faith" and evaluated our own.

>>click here to listen of right-click to download<<

Monday, July 24, 2017

"Genuine Faith Part 2: The Gospel & Testimony" - 07.19.17

Middle & High School Message
Tonight we explicitly discussed the gospel and heard one of our youth workers' stories of how they were born again and what it's been like to live in this relationship with God since then.  Included is the final version of the image referenced in the lesson.

>>click here to listen of right-click to download<<

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

"Genuine Faith Part 1: EVIDENCE (HS)" - 07.12.17

High School Message
Genuine FAITH… in what?
How you live is the evidence of who you really are & who you belong to.
Is there any evidence in your life beyond what you say you believe that you know & love JESUS and are being transformed by His Spirit into a new creation that follows Him?

>>click here to listen of right-click to download<<

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

"Genuine Faith Part 1: EVIDENCE (MS)" - 07.05.17

Middle School Message
Genuine FAITH… in what?
How you live is the evidence of who you really are & who you belong to.
Is there any evidence in your life beyond what you say you believe that you know & love JESUS and are being transformed by His Spirit into a new creation that follows Him?

>>click here to listen of right-click to download<<

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

"Now What?! Prayer Walking!" - 06.28.17

Middle & High School Message
One of the ideas students had for carrying on at home what God was doing in us on the mission trip was to add pray walking to their life & routine here.  To get everyone on the same page (whether they went on the trip or not, liked prayer walking or not, etc.) we spent some time discussing the topic including ideas for how to do it more effectively.  Then we went straight out to put it into practice by praying over the neighborhood next door to Northwood!

>>click here to listen of right-click to download<<

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

"Now What?!" - 06.21.17

Middle & High School Message:
Now that we're back form the mission trip, what do we do?  How do we continue being available to and used by God in our usual context the way we were in South Carolina?

>>click here to listen of right-click to download<<

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

"Mission Prep" - 06.07.17

Middle & High School Message:
Why?  Why are we going on this mission trip?  How should we go about it and how will it have lasting impact?

>>click here to listen of right-click to download<<

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

"Breaking Moral Boundaries for Sexual Purity" (Middle School) - 05.24.17

Middle School Message:
Tonight we dealt with some ways God's design for sex is broken beyond fonication and adultery. Namely, mainly pornography and a bit about homosexuality etc.

>>click here to listen of right-click to download<<

Monday, May 22, 2017

"Breaking Moral Boundaries for Sexual Purity" (High School) - 05.17.17

High School Message:
We started with what we didn't finish last week: How to Avoid Regrets
Then we moved on to some ways God's design for sex is broken:
Homosexuality, Pornography, etc.

>>click here to listen of right-click to download<<

"Moral Boundaries Protect Sexual Purity" (High School) - 05.10.17

High School Message:
God’s design is for sex to be for a married husband and wife, making 2 people into 1.
Humankind’s Perversion of a beautiful and holy thing.
How to Avoid Regrets...
Do YOU want to live & think about it DIFFERENTLY than the world about sex to glorify Jesus or not?

>>click here to listen of right-click to download<<

Monday, May 8, 2017

"Moral Boundaries Protect Sexual Purity" (Middle School) - 05.03.17

Middle School Message:
God’s design is for sex to be for a married husband and wife, making 2 people into 1.  
Humankind’s Perversion of a beautiful and holy thing.
How to Avoid Regrets...
Do YOU want to live & think about it DIFFERENTLY than the world about sex to glorify Jesus or not?

>>click here to listen of right-click to download<<

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

"Marriage by Design" (High School) - 04.26.17

High School Message:
God’s plan from the beginning for our good & His glory.
Handling marriage God's way - led by His Spirit - is KEY!
There are some warnings to heed and an even bigger picture God intended with the creation of marriage!
Marriage should be honored by all!

>>click here to listen of right-click to download<<

Monday, April 24, 2017

"Marriage by Design" (Middle School) - 04.19.17

Middle School Message:
God’s plan from the beginning for our good & His glory.
Handling marriage God's way - led by His Spirit - is KEY!
There are some warnings to heed and an even bigger picture God intended with the creation of marriage!
Marriage should be honored by all!

>>click here to listen of right-click to download<<

Monday, April 17, 2017

Protecting Purity in Dating (High School) - 04.12.17

High School Message:
The world's natural approach to romantic relationships is a lot like being in "love" with a bag of potato chips.
What's the purpose of dating or courtship?
When does it make sense and NOT make sense to pursue romantic relationships?

>>click here to listen of right-click to download<<

...and CLICK HERE to watch the video shown toward the beginning!

Monday, April 10, 2017

Protecting Purity in Dating (Middle School) - 04.05.17

Middle School Message:
The world's natural approach to romantic relationships is a lot like being in "love" with a bag of potato chips.
What's the purpose of dating or courtship?
When does it make sense and NOT make sense to pursue romantic relationships?

>>click here to listen of right-click to download<<

...and CLICK HERE to watch the video shown toward the beginning!

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Moral Boundaries Protect Purity - 03.29.17

Middle & High School Message:
What is purity?
How do Moral Boundaries protect that purity?
What's the big deal about purity anyway?
It paves the way for intimacy!
>>click here to listen of right-click to download<<

Monday, March 27, 2017

Moral Boundaries - 03.22.17

Middle & High School Message:
What are boundaries... and moral boundaries?
Why are they important?
How do we handle them?

>>click here to listen of right-click to download<<

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

The New Podcast (& blog?) Home

Welcome to the new home for the Souled Out Student Ministry Podcasts!  As regularly as it works out we'll be uploading the messages taught in youth group on Wednesdays for those who want to keep up when absent, parents who want to hear what's going on and anyone else who's curious!

The link to podcasts from 2011-the end of "The Story" in March of 2017 will be in the sidebar in case you want to see what's come before.

It's possible this could also serve as a blog beyond the posting of podcasts.  That could be dangerous, but we'll see what happens.  ;)

Here we go on a new adventure!