Monday, January 28, 2019

"Friends: Friendship Circles" (MS) - 01.23.19

Middle School Message
We've talked a lot about the theory of friendships and what God says is wise and important.  Now we turn toward evaluating our friendships and figuring out how to handle them intentionally.

>>click here to listen of right-click to download<<

"Friends: Influence Matters" - 01.09.19

Middle & High School Message
One of the biggest driving forces in making and keeping friendships is a desire for acceptance and a fear of rejection.  It is a powerful component that can even lead to making us people we never thought we'd become.

>>click here to listen of right-click to download<<

"Friends: Acceptance and Rejection" (MS) - 12.12.18

Middle School Message
One of the biggest driving forces in making and keeping friendships is a desire for acceptance and a fear of rejection.  It is a powerful component that can even lead to making us people we never thought we'd become.

>>click here to listen of right-click to download<<

"Friends: Acceptance and Rejection" (HS) - 11.05.18

High School Message
One of the biggest driving forces in making and keeping friendships is a desire for acceptance and a fear of rejection.  It is a powerful component that can even lead to making us people we never thought we'd become.