Monday, March 4, 2019

"Friends: Relationships are Necessary 2" (HS) - 02.27.19

High School Message
We took more time to discuss how relationships take time and work and how to recognize the roadblocks we face in creating & maintaining them.

>>click here to listen of right-click to download<<

"Friends: Relationships are Necessary 2" (MS) - 02.20.19

Middle School Message
We took more time to discuss how relationships take time and work and how to recognize the roadblocks we face in creating & maintaining them.

>>click here to listen of right-click to download<<

"Friends: Relationships are Necessary" (HS) - 02.13.19

High School Message
Relationships being necessary may seem like a no-brainer to some, but we frequently substitute, shallow, or even virtual relationships for deep & genuine ones.  They take time and work and we need to recognize the roadblocks we face in creating them.

>>click here to listen of right-click to download<<

"Friends: Relationships are Necessary" (MS) - 02.06.19

Middle School Message
Relationships being necessary may seem like a no-brainer to some, but we frequently substitute, shallow, or even virtual relationships for deep & genuine ones.  They take time and work and we need to recognize the roadblocks we face in creating them.

>>click here to listen of right-click to download<<

"Friends: Friendship Circles" (HS) - 01.30.19

High School Message
We've talked a lot about the theory of friendships and what God says is wise and important.  Now we turn toward evaluating our friendships and figuring out how to handle them intentionally.

>>click here to listen of right-click to download<<