Wednesday, March 21, 2018

"Beyond Reasonable Doubt" part 13 (MS) - 03.14.18

Middle School Message
We continue to collect evidence for our cumulative case, this time from the world of archaeology.

>>click here to listen of right-click to download<<

"Beyond Reasonable Doubt" part 12 (HS) - 03.07.18

High School Message
As we continue evaluating the Bible's trustworthiness we examined its textual accuracy with the same scholarly standards applied to other trusted works of antiquity.  While it passes with flying colors. this evidence by itself may not seem to prove it's the the Bible to be the reliable word of God, but as the evidence continues to mount, so can confidence.

>>click here to listen of right-click to download<<

Monday, March 5, 2018

"Beyond Reasonable Doubt" part 12 (MS) - 02.28.18

Middle School Message
As we continue evaluating the Bible's trustworthiness we examined its textual accuracy with the same scholarly standards applied to other trusted works of antiquity.  While it passes with flying colors. this evidence by itself may not seem to prove it's the the Bible to be the reliable word of God, but as the evidence continues to mount, so can confidence.

>>click here to listen of right-click to download<<

"Beyond Reasonable Doubt" part 11 (HS) - 02.21.18

High School Message
As we begin to evaluate the Bible's trustworthiness we start with recognizing its uniqueness from all other literature - especially ancient literature.  It is a startlingly unique book which, by itself, doesn't prove it's the reliable word of God, but this is just the first look at evidence in a cumulative case.

(The part 11 MS message was not recorded because of user error... that would be me.)

>>click here to listen of right-click to download<<